Monday 6 February 2012


I think that my work has many different aspects of creativity shown through a variety of skills. For example using Flash for the final animation piece. This made the animation innovative and flow quite nicely. Using the stick man as a character that interacted with the text made it stand out I think.  By displaying my working methods and using the correct terminology I gave myself and others clear instructions and steps on how to re create my work. This benefits me especially as I can receive feedback from them and also go back over them to improve my skills. I asked one of my fellow class mates about my work and asked to provide me with some feedback. He said that my overall skill and presentation was good. He gave me some tips on how to improve my drawings as well as my animation. He is the one who suggested that I should  use a stick man concept for my final animation, as he had seen some of my other animations on my YouTube channel.

I know what programmes I am good at using, therefore I took this into account in my decision making when I was producing my work. For example, for the animation task I decided to use a combination of Photoshop and Flash because I can animate quite well in Flash and create text in Photoshop. So I decided to do just that to play to my skills.

I think that the stages of my work are presented well and also done quite well. I used my time effectively to achieve task on time and make sure they were to a god standard. Planning was a big part of this. Producing various mind maps and diagrams at the start of a task allowed me to get most of my ideas down. This is a good starting point to work  with. I always make sure that I label my work when saving, this saves me time in finding files that I need to edit, delete or use again. I tend to develop my ideas depending on how I feel about the idea. I could be half way through the process of producing something and complete start from scratch if i find something better. this is something that I need to work on as it is not time effective.